Protein Chia Parfait

Bobby Parrish March 6, 2023

This Protein Chia Parfait is delicious and packed with nutrients to help aid digestion and inflammation. It makes a great breakfast option to keep you feeling full throughout the day with the added FlavCity Protein Smoothie. Makes 2 servings.

Protein Chia Parfait
For this recipe you can use

Protein Chia Parfait

prep time20 minutes
chill time240 minutes
  • In a blender (or shaker bottle), add the milk, FlavCity Protein Smoothie, and vanilla extract, and mix until smooth. Then pour the mixture into a bowl.
  • Whisk the chia seeds into the smoothie mixture, 1 tbsp at a time, to prevent clumping.
  • Cover and refrigerate for 3-4 hours, or overnight.
  • Meanwhile, in a saucepan, add strawberries and ¼ cup water, and heat over medium (with lid on), stirring occasionally until a nice jam consistency emerges. Then cool to room temperature.
  • Layer the pudding, yogurt, and strawberry jam into a cup until it’s full. Then, dig in and enjoy!